No goals.
No resolutions.
Just one word.
Years ago I switched to the One Word Resolution vs. the old school list of New Year's Resolutions.
An Un-Resolution if you will.
How many times did I make the resolution to get healthy, lose weight, work out and by the end of January forget about the commitment. The regulars at the gym would tell us that they hated the January influx of New Year's Resolutions members competing for the equipment, but they knew it would last only a few weeks, then the gym would go back to "normal".
I love this quote from a One Word Resolution enthusiast Rachel Olsen:
“Lose the long list of resolutions —
all your sweeping promises to change — and do something about one thing this
year instead of nothing about everything.”
- Rachel Olsen
There are so many fantastic inspiration words to make a choice from for myself. The choice of one word is like a touchstone for you. A reminder of the focus of the year for you. How you define that word and how you apply it to your life is up to you.
Last year my word was intention.
To intentionally live my life.
To intentionally live my life.
For 2013 my word touchstone is seize. Seize the year, day and moments of life. Capture and embrace the opportunities that come to me and that I create.
carpe per diem.
carpe per diem.
One Word suggestions:
What resolutions have you made for 2013?